Eucalyptus mannifera

Medium to tall (25 – 80m) tree. Rough bark often furrowed, stringy or fibrous on part of the trunk; upper branches with smooth white, cream, yellow, grey or grey-green bark, often with scribbles.
Distinctive juvenile leaves that hang down, are grey-green on short stems, elongated though rounded tips. Adult leaves 7.5-23cm, stalked, alternate, broad, grey–green and asymmetrical about the midrib. 7–15 dark green to red buds form on short stems in leaf axils. White flowers (December-March) followed by short stalked, barrel to pear shaped fruit.
Distribution: high mountain country in southern NSW, eastern Victoria and Tasmania (lower terrain). In the ACT pure stands found on cool moist upper slopes along the Mt Franklin Road below Piccadilly Circus.
A prized Australian timber used for building, furniture, pulp for paper; source of gum and honey.