2010 Committee Members Elected

A warm welcome to Dr Hanna Jaireth who was appointed to the STEP Committee following the election held at our AGM on 7 November 2009. The 2010 Committee is:
Cathy Robertson – President
David Shorthouse – Vice President
Geoff Robertson – Secretary
Andrew Russell – Treasurer
Warren Saunders – Member
Tony Lawson – Member
Hanna Jaireth – Member

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Advice to members of amended STEP Inc Rules

This notice is to advise members at the 2009 STEP AGM members present carried a motion to amend the STEP rules (constitution). Essentially the motion allows committee members to continue on the committee after serving five years. Optimistically the current long-serving committee members considered that after five years others would take up the cudgel. Unfortunately, we were a little optimistic. This motion enables the current President, Secretary and Treasurer to continue on the committee after having served five years. Secondly, quorums at committee meetings and general meetings of the committee are higher than required for the model rules. The higher quorums in the STEP rules were again a little optimistic and have required us to cancel the occasional meeting. The changes would bring the STEP rules in line with the model rules. A copy of the amended rules is attached

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Notice of Annual General Meeting 2009

The STEP AGM will be held on Saturday 7 November 2009 from 5.00 – 7.00 pm at the CIAG Board Room on site at the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens.

All members and non members welcome. Light refreshments will be provided.

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October 2009 Newsletter

The STEP newsletter for October 2009 is now available.

Included in this addition:

  • Notificatino of AGM
  • STEP Events calendar
  • Information on the  STEP working bee
  • Geology, Soil and Water Flows: digging into the Soil Survey for the STEP site
  • A report on the STEP Wetland Project
  • Volunteers from Conservation Volunteers Australia come to work on the STEP project
  • Water Flows into STEP Ephemeral Wetland
  • Thirty year old seeds successfully germinated for the STEP forest
  • Tree of the month: Eucalyptus delegatensis

Download the October 2009 Newsletter here.

STEP Tree Planting – 31 October 2009

The next planting a tree day on the STEP site will be Saturday 31 Oct from 8 am till 3pm. STEP cordially invites Friends of the Arboretum to join us. This special day will include a media event at 10.00 am. Dr Maxine Cooper, the Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainability with her Youth Ambassadors will arrive to join us in our planting activity. The media will be invited by the Office of the Commissioner. It would be wonderful to have a large group to welcome them.

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Membership Renewals

It’s that time of the year again when STEP membership renewal for 2009/2010 is due.

Your ongoing support for STEP is much appreciated.  Please download and complete the form and post it to the membership officer with your cheque. Donations would also be appreciated.

Floriade 2009 at Commonwealth Park Canberra

Come along to the Floriade in Canberra this year. STEP is presenting information about our project as part of the Friends of the Canberra International Aboretum and Gardens Display at Floriade this year from 12 September to 11 October. We are located in the cottage that is part of the Bonsai Display, on the fence near the Archbishops Residence.  Do drop by and say hello. 

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STEP Tree Planting Ceremony

On the 15th of March STEP hosted a tree planting ceremony at the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens on Block 100. The first tree was planted by the Chief Minister, John Stanhope, followed by students from a Evatt Primary School, members from the planning committee of the ACT House of Assembly and STEP members and friends.

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What is an Arboretum?

An arboretum is a plantation of mixed species, established for comparative and educational purposes. Numerous arboreta were established in the ACT during the early stages of the city’s development. See the FACTA website for more information:

‘Friends of the ACT Arboreta’ .

STEP thanks supporters

Last month, Jon Stanhope MLA, Chief Minister made the decision to give the STEP Project the resources needed to make our vision a reality within the Arboretum.  We wish to thank him for his trust and belief in our vision. And we wish to thank every one of our members who have supported STEP during the last seven years. Your efforts have been vital to creating our project.  Please keep your support for us going through the next phase.

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